
Monday, 22 January 2018

My Point on The PNG Rugby League Future

PNG’s # 1 game of ALL has death future if PNG do not “look within” than “looking Off Shore”.

According to PNGRFL Chief Executive Officer; “the investment that PNGRFL has made in the last four years were to make sure our players leave our shores and that is our ultimate goal”.(By Isaac Liri, League Aims to have UK Game on TV, the national newspaper, page 55”).

The PNGRFL’s #1 GOAL for rugby league is to export few players at the expensive of millions of kina. Is Mr PNGRFL CEO’s idea a money worth dream? NOT at ALL!  A very expensive exercise.

“Our Ultimate Goal is Our Players Leave Our Shores”!

If what Mr PNGRFL CEO’s media release a PNGRFL’S public policy statement, than I would say the rugby league in PNG is death than alive.

To export 6 players to Super League; how much the country invested in last four years? Is that what PNGRFL termed as “biggest achievement for the country”? The cost of achieving “biggest achievement” out weights the benefits it returns to the country.

Looking Off Shore Policy 

The road to “Looking Off Shore Policy” has limited pathway, but the cost is huge.

The Australian NRL, Super League or any Rugby Leagues playing nations have developed their rugby league system because they want to create jobs for their citizens and make money for their country. The rugby league game has entered commercialization and any rugby league playing countries will at all cost protect their economic.

The job market out there is not promising. The PNG must avoid the path of banking on NRL, Super league or any rugby league playing countries to recruit our players, a crazy idea.

Australia rugby league or anyone on that matter will protects their jobs, money, their skills and knowledge as much as possible to ensure they’re on top of the world rugby league.

Any country in the world do not love the rugby league game like PNG do. However, what matters most to them is even it’s an isolated game, they ensure the game has its place in their society.

Just because we loved the game so much, the country televise their games on the country’s television stations, making them richer, famous and promoting their style of game while we dance at their tune draining our economic.

On the death of late Kato Ottio, Super League shares the country’s deepest pain and grief than NRL. Many people are expressing their opinion that we should do away with NRL and focus on Super League, the PNGRFL CEO also express same sentiment.

With respect to our hero late Kato Ottio; who is Late Kato Ottio to NRL system? He is not their hero and did not made any impact contribution to NRL, so how do the nation (PNG) want NRL to response the where we want, a stupid thinking.

Looking within

We must develop our own NRL or Super league system in Papua New Guinea than baking on false hope. Australian’s NRL or Super League is theirs, we must develop our own system to create jobs for our youths, make money for our country (etc.).

We have our own 100% market, we can monetize the country’s passion into business than talking about “Looking Off Shore”.

If PNG takes 10 years to develop the country’s own NRL/ Super League system, fair enough, let’s do it our way.

…..That’s My Point….You Have Yours…

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