There are many factors that contributes to poverty in Papua New Guinea. The scholars and students from various schools may perhaps will define various opinion on the subject of poverty. What I am about to discuss is one of the major (#1) factor that is pushing the country’s Workforce to poverty line.
If Papua New Guinea Government stop the Gambling Industry, definitely the notion is healing the chronic sores in people’s hearts thus putting money into the broken pockets of the Workforce. As results directly putting sufficient food on the family tablet.
The Gambling Industry is definitely an evil that is destroying the family homes, productivity at workplace, small businesses and increasing poverty amongst her citizen. A responsible government would seriously consider why there so much corruption in public sector and lack of productivity.
Chaos in the family homes
Many family homes are upside down, tensions in the family homes, there is no good food on the table, no lunch for kids, no quality education for school children, no future plan for family and list goes on and on.
Many marriage homes are falling apart because of poverty crisis, mothers putting the price tag on marriage sexual love (none-sharable love) thus invite HIV/AIDS into the family homes.
The daughters terminate more book learning due to lack of support from parents and sale their virginity to older man which stop them from realizing their full potentials. Many end-up with unwanted pregnancy bringing added problems into the family homes. The teenage youths are now becoming part of growing population on the streets of major towns and cities. Every time you walk the street, you’ll feel there’s someone behind you.
There other medical conditions increasing as a consequence of lifestyle conditions due to eating rubbish foods as a result of lack money to buy good foods and seek quality health care.
One of the major cause behind the poverty in Papua New Guinea is “an Established Gambling Industry” in the country and these includes “pokies machines”, and horse race. The pokies machines eat up 35%-65% of the salary/wages.
When the Workers have nothing to feed the family, they resort to black market money which are borrowed at very high interest rate of 20%-100%. The money they get from the black market is not sufficient so they even look for 2-5 lenders. What does this means? The money they haven’t worked yet is already spend, which widen they poverty level.
The Workers are mentally affected. They do not find interest in what they do best at workplace. Most of the Public Servants report late at work and clock out early. Why they do this? If they report early, they fear the Lenders will be fronting up at the office door waiting for them and walking off early is to escape from them, looking for black market money or doing extra work. Many times the Lenders will be searching for the Workers from the office to every streets.
This is one of the reason why Public Office Holders are finding their hands getting dirty when dipping into the public wallet – increasing the level of corruption in the government.
Papua New Guinea needs a responsible government who can review the Gambling Laws in the country. It would be good if the country totally stop the Gaming Industry which will direct heal THE chronic social problems in the country. Otherwise, Papua New Guinea is slowly but at fastest rate profoundly tangled with poverty support the establish mechanisms such Gambling Industry.
If Papua New Guinea Government stop the Gambling Industry, definitely the notion is healing the chronic sores in people’s hearts thus putting money into the broken pockets of the Workforce. As results directly putting sufficient food on the family tablet.
The Gambling Industry is definitely an evil that is destroying the family homes, productivity at workplace, small businesses and increasing poverty amongst her citizen. A responsible government would seriously consider why there so much corruption in public sector and lack of productivity.
Chaos in the family homes
Many family homes are upside down, tensions in the family homes, there is no good food on the table, no lunch for kids, no quality education for school children, no future plan for family and list goes on and on.
Many marriage homes are falling apart because of poverty crisis, mothers putting the price tag on marriage sexual love (none-sharable love) thus invite HIV/AIDS into the family homes.
The daughters terminate more book learning due to lack of support from parents and sale their virginity to older man which stop them from realizing their full potentials. Many end-up with unwanted pregnancy bringing added problems into the family homes. The teenage youths are now becoming part of growing population on the streets of major towns and cities. Every time you walk the street, you’ll feel there’s someone behind you.
There other medical conditions increasing as a consequence of lifestyle conditions due to eating rubbish foods as a result of lack money to buy good foods and seek quality health care.
One of the major cause behind the poverty in Papua New Guinea is “an Established Gambling Industry” in the country and these includes “pokies machines”, and horse race. The pokies machines eat up 35%-65% of the salary/wages.
When the Workers have nothing to feed the family, they resort to black market money which are borrowed at very high interest rate of 20%-100%. The money they get from the black market is not sufficient so they even look for 2-5 lenders. What does this means? The money they haven’t worked yet is already spend, which widen they poverty level.
The Workers are mentally affected. They do not find interest in what they do best at workplace. Most of the Public Servants report late at work and clock out early. Why they do this? If they report early, they fear the Lenders will be fronting up at the office door waiting for them and walking off early is to escape from them, looking for black market money or doing extra work. Many times the Lenders will be searching for the Workers from the office to every streets.
This is one of the reason why Public Office Holders are finding their hands getting dirty when dipping into the public wallet – increasing the level of corruption in the government.
Papua New Guinea needs a responsible government who can review the Gambling Laws in the country. It would be good if the country totally stop the Gaming Industry which will direct heal THE chronic social problems in the country. Otherwise, Papua New Guinea is slowly but at fastest rate profoundly tangled with poverty support the establish mechanisms such Gambling Industry.
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