
Tuesday, 2 October 2018

USA Vice President Fly In & Out of PNG 2018 APEC Meeting is NOT Fitting The True Spirit of Melanesian Way.

Papua New Guinea have spent millions of kina preparing to host APEC World Leaders meeting in November 2018 in her  Nation's Capital-Port Moresby.

Papua New Guinea will be the first Pacific Island Nations to host the World level of Leaders meeting and It will go down the history book of Papua New Guinea and Pacific Island Nations.

The country, her people and the Leaders are proud to host this event and looking forward  to have it successfully.

Many of the Leaders will for the first time step their foots on Papua New Guinea soil and their foots prints will remain forever.

The Presidents of World Power like China, Russia, USA (Vice President) are amongst the  Very Important Guests.

The USA President will be well represented by  his Vice President. It's unfortunate for the hosting country to miss the opportunity to have the Head of USA but the country is honor to have the Vice President. 

Its now official as per social and mainstream media that the Vice President will stay in Australia during the course of the APEC meeting is an act of co-host which is not fitting well with the host Spirit of Melanesian Culture.

The country is yet to be informed by relevant authorities whether Australia government was asked to co-host 2018 APEC PNG meeting. The general public sentiment of Australia co-hosting the 2018 APEC meeting is econmic bully and disrespectful to a hosting nation.

In Melanesian culture a Visitor to our home is welcomed in true friendship way and we do not ask him or her to stay with other person or another men's village. They come and stay with us, eat what we eat, share that moment of true friendship  and if war broke open, we die together and this is a tru Melanesian Way.  It's a insult to a host when the Visitor to our home is taken away by another community.

However, President of China will be here one  day ahead of APEC Leaders meeting on a State Visit. He will sleep here on PNG soil, eat and drink with people of Papua New Guinea.

The great and powerful Leader of Russia will also be housed in Port Moresby and experience the true Spirit of the country's diversity culture and that inlcudes many World Leaders.

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