
Monday, 8 June 2020

2022 Political War in Southern Highlands

It was difficult to dethrone the government of Peter O’Neill. The only way to remove him was to look within. So, the fight for leadership position was shifted back to Southern Highlands and Hela Provinces, as a result, they have successfully overthrown the government of Peter O’Neill. The main character who have overthrown former Prime Minister Peter O’Neill is governor of Southern highlands – William Powi and member for Mendi open Michael Nali.

To add more humiliation, government of James Marape forcefully removed PNC party leader and PNC members of parliament to opposition without realizing that PNC gave him number to form the government.

Further acid to PNC sore, the deputy speaker was removed by James Marape’s government and worse add to it was nomination to remove the deputy speaker Jeffery Kopal was seconded by the governor of Southern Highland Province – William Powi. Jeffery & Powi hails from Nipa/Kutubu electorate.

This fight will carry into 2022 general election. It will be between PNC and Pangu.  The governor William Powi has recently been congratulated for joining Pangu Party by senior citizens from Pangia and former member for Ialibu Pangia Mr Pundia Kange and former provincial member Mr Milo Timini.

In 2022, the political fight in Southern highlands and Hela will be between PNC and Pangu. So, who is highly likely to dominate? That question remains yet to be answered.

However, PNC wants to maintain Southern Highlands province as home of PNC. Politically, no other politically parties will play leading role in SHP. Its highly likely PNC will dominate SHP seats.

Kagua/Erave, never vote for PNC but there is highly likely will go for PNC because of the PNC lead government road infrastructure development. Mendi open, highly PNC will endorse a candidate against Michael Nali, that is why Mr Nali is quite and sitting on the fence between Pangu and PNC. Imboungu electorate PNC will send hardcore [name withheld] who will overthrow current MP.

The PNC’s biggest problem in SHP is regional seat. There is no other candidate qualify to undo current governor, only Peter O’Neill, the former Prime Minister has the influence to do that job perfect. That means, Ialibu Pangia seat, PNC candidate endorse candidate will win.

Former Prime Minister is highly likely to contest SHP regional seat and treat Mr Powi and Mr Nali the way they have treated him. Hence, come 2022 PNC will dominate SHP seat.

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