
Friday 9 March 2018

Kutubu ...the world mourn at you...

The Glory of Lake Kutubu

The beautiful lake of Kutubu...
The Glory of my Land
The World dance at your Glory
They sing song about You
They write stories about You
Your Glory blankets the World

People all-over the world
Come to your knee
You welcome everyone
Your arms have no limitation...
To embrace them in true Heart…
The true Spirit of Kutubu

You're the source of energy
You powerize the world
You feed the homes...
Those fall in love with You

Your dress the Women…
With your Glory
They sing the songs...
In the streets of every homes

You have…
 Reached the unreach ...
Touch the Untouched
Touching every soul

Your Glory is torn apart
The scares will remind forever
You are lying helpless
The world mourns at You
The world will remember you.

You're truly...
The Star in the Pacific
The Pacific Queen

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