
Monday 5 March 2018

Seeking GOD’s forgiveness

This is a poem humble seeking of god’s forgiveness during the 7.5 magnitude earthquake hitting southern highlands province of Papua New Guinea in 2018.

The Pangia land..
The land of Wiru Mari
Humble yourself before 
Declare your sins 

The land of Kewabians
Knee down
Before God  
In shame of your sins

The Land of Kutubu..
Declare your sins 
Before God

The land of Mendi Valley
Declare your sins 
Before the God

Sons & daughter of Southern Highlands
Confess before GOD
We have sinned

Oh! GOD of Heaven
We look upon You…
Only You

Hear US…
From your Holy Thorn
Forgive US
And heal Our Land…
Southern Highlands

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