
Monday, 29 June 2020

Police Commissioner must come down hard on FSV Unit to rise GBV free bar

This newsroom is reliably informed that late Jenelyn Kennedy reported her deteriorating physical, and psychological health conditions which she suffered in 5 solid years at 6-mile Female Sexual Violence [FSV] Unit [Police station]. After hearing her story, they sent her to safe house and told her to get Interim Protection Order [IPO]. 

The moment late Jenelyn presented her case, the perpetrator or 2nd in commander to Lucifer as he called himself, should have been arrested and charged. 

Why FSV Unit did not use Risk Assessment Management tool to define the level of risk to Jenelyn’s life? Why FSV Unit did not use Family Protection Act to deal with this case diligently? Simply sending her to safe house and advising her to get IPO is not good enough job done.

The FSV Unit officers are experienced and knowledgeable people. They are trained as such know their jobs in and out yet come short to Jenelyn’s cases is unacceptable.

She was fragile and weak yet pull herself and walk to your officer to report her case. In her heart, she knew that if her husband finds her reporting him to police, he would infiltrate her fragile physical and psychological body again but stood tall to come to see the authority. She knew that was the safest thing to do, which she did. She openly spoke to you -FSV Unit Officers about her case, yet all went uncared. This is total failure of professional duty of care.

Why FSV Officer did not arrest and charge the perpetrator? What went wrong here? Why the case knowingly slippery through the informed and knowledgeable hands. Was there no enough evidence to execute the arrest and charge him?

Police Commissioner [PC-Imagef#1] must come down hard on the officers’ who deliberate oversight the use of available laws to protect the life of Jenelyn. This is a serious failure by officers, whom we trust them to do their jobs with great care.

The country does not want to see this to repeat. FSV Unit must rise their Uniform and Oath they have signed to SAVE lives above the bar. There is more and more Gender Base Violence [GBV] cases and Police must use the available laws to deal with the issues.

The source said FSV officers executing IPOs and Summons and not using Family Protection Act [FPA] to arrest and charge the perpetrator. The FSV officers should concentrate on applying FPA and let other partners to deal with IPOs and Permanent Order [PO].

There is lots of money pumped into FSV unit, yet the result is below the standard. The financier should hold their money back until FSV Unit rises their bar above the GBV in Papua New Guinea.

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