
Sunday 4 March 2018

Southern Highland my land

This poem was written after the 7.5 magnitude earthquake hitting entire southern highlands province in 2018. Many lives were buried under the ground while many were injured and traumatized.  Millions of worth of properties were destroyed.

My land Southern Highlands

I was born naked in you  

You wrap me with your love

I growth up to be a man

So, I flew away…

Yet I always remember you  

Despite the distance...

My love for you is always deep

There are no words I can truly express

The enemy have ruined my land

Lying naked before the world

Watching helpless…

As the glory fades away  

Making me sad & disheartened

I will remember 26th February 2018

The day our flesh was torn apart

We bleed together

We cry together

In memory…

I will never sing on this day

I will tell my children…

They too will carry my memories…

For the generations

My land Southern Highlands...

I cry for you.

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